Tourista Top 10: CHICAGO!

By Kaylea

Aug 23, 2017 | Uncategorized

Since we lived in Chicago for five years, we often get asked what friends should do when they visit. First off, can we come with you? We make pretty exceptional guides. Jon and I miss the city every day and have vowed to go back as often as we can since we want Grey to know his birthplace well! (As you’re reading this we are on a flight to the Second City, woohoo!). When you mention Chicago, you get one of two reactions. 1) How did you live there for so long and come back alive? I promise you, if you visit this city, you will not be hanging around where the cryps do. Where we lived (Lincoln Park) was incredibly safe, and truly lovely. Don’t miss out on all it has to offer because of the nasty violence in one bad part of town. 2) If Oprah lived there, it had to be good. Preach! Here’s the Nixon Pack Top 10 List, many of which we’ll be doing this weekend. Some you may have seen, but others are inside scoop from the Pack, just for you:

  1. Donut Crawl – If you’re visiting on a weekday, you must go to the Doughnut Vault as soon as it opens. Do not get there right at opening, or you’ll be late. Arrive a little early with a coffee and be ready to stand in line. Trust us, it’s worth it. We have braved blizzards, Chiberia cold and 100+ degree heat for these sweet treats. The build up makes them so much more delicious and they are a bucket list donut, IMHO (in my hungry opinion). They are open on the weekends, but the line wraps around the block and let’s be honest, there’s too much city to see…ain’t nobody got time for that. We also highly recommend Stan’s – the best blueberry fritter that has ever touched my lips. And Glazed & Infused – any of their cake donuts are divine! 
  2. Lakefront Trail – When people ask what I miss the most, this is it for me. Jon and I used to walk this trail The glistening shores of Lake Michigan coupled with that spectacular skyline never got old. It literally took my breath away each time. Or maybe it was the donut I was eating while power-walking…in any event, it’s a must. You can rent a Divvy bike, paddle board, do yoga on the beach, or just sit and take in the views – whichever is your jam. 
  3. Dinner Out – Chicago is known for top-notch cuisine and Michelin rated restaurants. There are some unbelievable hot spots downtown, but our favorite place by far was a quarter-mile from our home, Sapori Trattoria. There is something for everyone on the menu, the atmosphere is cozy and sweet, the staff makes you feel like family (ask for T-Eli) and you can make it whatever you want it to be. We have gone in sweatshirts, dressed up for date nights, and celebrated so many milestones there. They will even customize a menu and print anything you request. Please start with the Avocado Crostini! To die for. Jon recommends the veal parm (poor baby cow) and I cannot get enough of their Zuppa di Pesce. We never left disappointed or hungry!
  4. Millennium Park – So this is one you’ll find on every tourist site, but it bears repeating. The Bean is such a fun place to take goofy pictures, the fountains are unlike anything I have ever seen, and you will have the best people-watching of your life. 
  5. Shopping – Everyone likes to talk about the Magnificent Mile for shopping. And I won’t lie, it’s one of my favorites, too. But the little neighborhood boutiques have my heart. I find the most unique, fabulous pieces and am so proud to rock them. Windy Cite Bebe is my favorite place to shop for Grey (plus, they ship!) and I like Two Penny Blue, all the sweet shops on Armitage (Art Effect is a fave!) and in the Southport Corridor as well. 
  6. Walk, walk, walk, repeat. Live like a local and travel on foot. You will see so much more up close and get to appreciate all of the nooks and crannies of this city. The architecture doesn’t just shine on the Mag Mile – it’s peppered throughout the city. #NixonPack nugget: Every person who ever came to visit always packed WAY too many shoes. All you need are two – a comfortable pair of walking shoes, and an even more comfortable pair of walking shoes. NO ONE is looking at your shoes. You don’t know anyone. Be kind to your feet, or they’ll be screaming at you with blisters.
  7. Sweet Mandy B’s. Check out their Instagram and I guarantee you’ll start salivating. I just did. Their iced molasses cookies are Jolea’s favorite and Jon and I both live for the double doosies. Plus, with all that walking, you’ve already burned it off!
  8. Lincoln Park Zoo – This is FREE. Free, people! And it is I N C R E D I B L E! The camels, zebras, hippos, gorillas, ahhhh I could go on and on. It’s walkable, it’s family friendly, and hello, free! Bonus: Right outside the entrance to the zoo is the Lincoln Park Conservatory – again, FREE! and you won’t believe the magical display of flowers.
  9. Panes Bread Cafe – If you’ve had enough eating out and need something that is scrumptious and easy, please check out our favorite cafe, Panes. On Jon’s night to “cook”, he always brought sandwiches home from Panes and I swear he lingered just to try to sneak their recipes for me. Homemade bread, homemade soups and homemade cookies. Small batch goodness. I desperately miss this place and wish I could teleport them to NY. Those monster cookies get me every time!
  10. Museums. There are SO many great ones, but if you can only do one, I highly recommend the Museum of Science and Technology. There is something for everyone in your group and you can each explore what interests you. My second favorite is the Shedd Aquarium (anaconda, hello!), then the Field Museum (T-Rex, what?!) and lastly the Chicago History Museum (though maybe I should put that higher on the list, it’s quick and so cool!). Personally, I would skip the Adler Planetarium…not at all what I expected it could be and we all left disappointed.

#NixonPack Nuggets:

DO take the El – that’s an experience all in itself and isn’t as intimidating as it looks. Plus, you’ll get some great skyline and neighborhood views!

DON’T just eat downtown at the fancy restaurants. They aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. Big bill, small plates and tourist central.

DO be careful on the Mag Mile. We never had any issues with pick pockets, but we also weren’t tourists, we always walked with purpose. Stay alert, not aloof! 

DO stop in to Eataly downtown, you can pop in for a quick lunch, a gelato, a glass of vino, anything you’re craving and wow is it an experience! 

DO take an architectural boat tour (seriously the BEST thing we’ve done to get to know the city)! If you’re up for an adventure – kayak the river. It was exhilarating!!! 

DO take a walking tour downtown and Jon also recommends the Chicago Mob Tour if you’re into the gangstas.

Having five dogs make traveling an impossibility. SO grateful for my thoughtful in-laws who offered to babysit the Pack so we could have a long weekend away! <3





Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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