The roundabout way to let light in

By Kaylea

Apr 25, 2017 | Uncategorized

One of the biggest challenges we’ve found in our current home is adding light, in all forms. I’m talking natural light, actual lighting, and lightness to balance out the wood. Today, we’re tackling natural light. We have a mid-century craftsman style home set on seven acres surrounded by gorgeous pine trees. It’s dreamy. But, it can also be dark, especially on dreary days, and in Central New York, we see a lot of those. When you enter the house through the front door there is a large staircase right in front of you and just beyond that, a long wall separating the front and back of the home. I am all about first impressions and this wasn’t a good one. I lived with it for a few weeks and all of a sudden the aha moment came – let there be light! 

Jon and I were at a local thrift shop and they had this dirty old rusty awesome box full of vintage mirrors. I immediately saw a vision of our long, dark hallway covered in them. This would allow any sun filtering through those sweet arts and crafts windows from our porch to bounce and reflect light throughout the entire entryway. It was just what the space needed.

And so our mission began. We searched high and low for all sizes and textures. The only criteria was that the mirror must be round. We amassed a pretty sweet collection, some we already had, some were purchased new, and our favorites were salvaged from estate sales. We have never been “collectors” before. I’ve known people who collect shot glasses, or Chinese dragons, even fridge magnets (please don’t!). But we never found anything worth having more than one of. Armed with a purpose, we became those people. I can see a few eye rolls already. What narcissists they must be to collect mirrors. 

Either way, problem solved. I no longer have to ask Jon if I have residual green smoothie in my teeth before we leave the house, and we have the most gorgeous statement wall in our home. It’s a fabulous balance of textures, metallics, and personality. It not only gave us the light we so desperately needed, but tells a story of our adventures and invites guests in to discover more. Just make sure you’re having a good hair day.

#NixonPack Tip(s): When hanging mirrors, be mindful of what it reflects. Also, when working with mirrors that are two-sided, the weight will be off. Use double stick tape to help balance the piece and keep your line straight.

How have you added more light to your space? Comment below!

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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