The crucial design element missing in your space

By Kaylea

Feb 15, 2017 | Uncategorized

Jon and I showed a house last week that felt dead inside. As we toured each room, it was like dementors were sucking the joy from my life. Potterheads, are you with me? This house had been on the market for a while and I could feel why but at first I couldn’t put my finger on it. The style was mid-century modern and it was filled with gorgeous moldings and intricate woodwork. The views of the pine trees and stream running through the backyard were so serene. But something was wrong. Jon commented as we were leaving that it bothered him there weren’t any window treatments. Clearly, the sellers were trying to showcase the picturesque surroundings. Then it hit me. There was absolutely no texture in the home and it was cold. Things like drapes, pillows, rugs, the right fabrics and thoughtful wall hangings are what make a house a home. They weave together to create a sense of belonging, warmth, love. If you’ve been noticing something is missing in your home, I can almost guarantee you don’t have the right balance of textures. Check out our Pack Picks for finding fabrics that fit your space.

These curtains add an element of whimsy and let in all the light. My philosophy is, if you need to darken a room, do it with blinds. Curtains should help add lightness and movement to the room, not weigh it down. The latest trend we’re loving are curtains with pom poms, fringe, or other fun details. Cat lovers, maybe not for you.

I’m always a fan of a good gallery wall, but let’s step it up a notch because we’re design divas, amIright? Imagine a staircase with 3 of these sweet sun circles climbing up, or even just 1 above your fireplace. I am also digging anything woven and this one just arrived in the mail. This is waiting in my shopping cart, just waiting for a sister pillow. Remember the hygge we talked about? Yassss.

Since you’re now on board the texture train, remember to have fun with it and play with different fabrics. One that I’ve shied away from previously is velvet. It felt too seventies for me. But I got over it and just in time because these gems are our new dining chairs and ohmygoodness I’m in love.

Now that we have from the windowww to the wallll covered, we need to drop it low. I know, rugs aren’t entirely pet-friendly, (trust me, I own stock in Nature’s Miracle) but they are necessary. Add a rug to any room and you’ll see it warm up in seconds. Not only can it help tie in your design scheme, but you can really define a space and pull all the colors and the vibe of the room together. This rug is on my radar and this site is a good one because it offers a huge variety at incredible savings.

Lastly, spots of sweetness throughout the house will help layer the elements of texture you’re after and also just give you a reason to smile. Who doesn’t love that? Smiling’s my favorite.

What textural trend did you add to your home? Share with the Pack below!




Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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