The best $30 we’ve spent yet

By Kaylea

Jul 24, 2017 | Uncategorized

When the time comes to list your house, all your hear about is curb appeal. But why do you want to wait until you sell? Remember, you’re not keeping up with the Jones’, you’re Mrs. Jones. Your home should bring a smile to your face every time you round the bend to the driveway. With less than $30 out of your wallet and an hour or two doubling as a weekend warrior, you can drastically change the face of your house. Let’s talk front door facelift:

Materials Needed:

Paint – Jon recommends flat paint to keep the appearance of brush strokes to a minimum. (Keep scrolling for more painting tips)

Roller – Use one with “no nap”, it’s best for smooth finishes.

Bonus! New door hardware. If you’re already going 90 with the paint, go the extra 10 with new hardware. Trust us on this one, it’s well worth it.

Here’s what we were working with. Before: 

I actually liked the old color from afar, but up close it was tired. Yawn. We see so many overcast days in Central New York (I’m looking at you, today) that we knew we wanted something bright. For most of our paint jobs, we head to Sherwin Williams, but this was a spur of the moment purchase on one of our 897 trips to Home Depot on the weekend. My eye went right to this color as we ran by with a singing toddler throwing superfluous items in the cart walked past and it was as simple as, “Jon do you like this for the front door?” Yes! Wait. Did I just agree to add that to the list this weekend?! Happy wife, happy life. For this #NixonPack project, it took less than two hours total. I say total on account of a small break because of a visit to the ER Jon getting swarmed by bees and a freaking BAT when he was on the roof for the trim. That included swapping out the hardware. How could you say no to this one? It’s not a huge time, nor financial investment, but W O W, what a change.

#NixonPack Nugget: For best results with a 6-paneled door like ours, or any door with design or trim work in the pattern; paint that area first with a brush, then apply the other areas with a roller at the same time. This helps give you a professional finish, without paying a painter. Also, Jon says please pack some patience and wait until the first coat is dry before starting on your second. When you jump the gun, it gets messy.

What color would you paint your front door if you could change it tomorrow?

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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