Surviving a cross-country move with 5 dogs & a baby

By Kaylea

Feb 23, 2017 | Uncategorized

We’ve moved ten times in the course of our relationship, but this one is the most difficult move to date. Not only are we packing up an entire house, two adults, five dogs and moving halfway across the country…this time we’ve added a toddler to the mix. The countdown board says 6 days to go. Here’s what we’ve learned this time around and what hasn’t worked as well as we’d hoped:

Your child’s room should be the last to go. Our house looks like a tornado came through, a volcano erupted, then a monsoon hit. But not Grey’s room. His nursery looks exactly like it always does with the skyline smiling down on him (man, am I going to miss that) his books perfectly placed on the shelves, and his big bear to cuddle with in the corner. That’s how it has to be. Our kid is a creature of habit. He notices when things aren’t just so and since there’s nothing I can do about the inevitable state of chaos during the move, the one thing we can do is to wait to pack up his stuff. I honestly believe that has helped us keep some semblance of a routine and keep him feeling calm and safe.

Let them help. Grey is quite the unpacker packer hider garbage man “helper”. Alright, let’s be honest, the things we pack, he unpacks and tries to flush down the toilet. But I think him seeing the process of putting everything in boxes and explaining what we’re doing and why makes a difference. That being said, it takes triple the time and adds a whole new element of stress for his type-A parents. If you’re able to hire a sitter or ask a family member for help, yay you. At the very least, maximize what you can do during nap time. Just leave taping the boxes for when your little wakes up. We learned that from experience (dagger eyes to you, Jon). Remember to remain calm, and try not to let the stress impact your sweet babe, your person, or you. I know, easier said than done. But I’ve found that focusing on something that gets me excited in the new place helps give me a light at the end of a very dark, very long, tunnel. For me, it’s planning Grey’s new room. The concept is something totally new, not done before and I cannot wait to share it with you!

Essentials. So you’ve left all of your kid’s belongings intact right up until go time. Awesome, that’s half the battle. The other half is to properly label the boxes. “Open first” helps a lot for things you’ll need right out of the gate at the new house. These boxes are made to be written all over. Be specific and it will save you the time you don’t have when it comes to unpacking. Last, do a special suitcase just for your little one that will not be lost at all costs. Grey and I are flying to NY while Jon drives the moving truck on a 12 hour journey to our new home. For those thinking Jon got the short straw, have you flown with a toddler?! I plan on packing a carry-on that has everything he needs, plus his comforts of home to help make the transition as easy as possible. His bed sheet, his favorite books (this has been on repeat with the move), and favorite stuffed animal that all carry sweet memories and sweet baby scents.

Pack for the Pack. Our poor pups, their lives have already changed so much in the past year with our latest human addition. Thankfully, they’ve been on this rodeo a time (or 6) and know the ropes. As soon as they see the boxes, they know what’s coming. Our next home sits on seven acres and having been city pups with an inch of yard for the last five years, I can’t tell you how excited I am to watch them run and play. My stepdad is coming out to drive the Pack back with my brother. Two of them are not so good in the car and need to be medicated beforehand, for everyone’s sake. Ladea cries like a hyena the whole way (reminder: 12 hours!). Looks like Jon didn’t draw the short straw after all. For the dogs, the best thing you can do is spoil them with extra loving, treats and make sure you have your arsenal of medications, food, comb, nail clippers and the like on hand. We love this travel water bowl and these pill poppers are a savior.

Have you moved with little ones (fur or human)? We’re all ears and would love to hear your tips below!

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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