How are you today? If I’m being honest, I’m feeling anxious. Every cough from Grey has me in a panic that he might be ill. Trying to reel in my emotions and be the pillar of strength and love he needs right now is tough. But I know we’re all in the same boat, and there’s a lot of comfort in that. We survived our first week of homeschooling, and I have to tell you – it was such a blessing. Grey was an absolute delight; and watching him learn and grow so much in just a matter of days was such a soul-filler. I get why people decide to be teachers. But I’m just doing this with one. I can’t imagine 20. God bless them and their patience! If you’re looking for a distraction from the madness, you’ve come to the right place. Here are a few things that are getting us through:
Shopping Small. This is something we love to do as often as we can, but I feel the importance of it now more than ever. We may not be able to go to the physical storefronts; but we can order online and make a small difference to their business when it counts the most. I truly believe small acts are what will get us all through. Whether it’s buying a new t-shirt to show your local pride (I snagged this one last week and LOVE it), or sending a loved one (or yourself!) a sweet trinket from your favorite hometown shop; seeing orders come through may be the hope (and funds) a small business owner needs to keep going.
New to us on Netflix. Much like everyone else, we’ve been scouring Netflix for something new to escape to for a little bit before we fall asleep. We started You, but I’m having a hard time getting through it. We’re halfway through Season 1 and it’s a little too nuts for me. Have you seen it? One we both have been loving is Master of None with Aziz Ansari. He is so talented, and it’s an easy lighthearted (award-winning) series. What shows do you recommend?
Chef Recipes. And on that vein, we have been long-time fans of Chef on Netflix with Jon Favreau. We made Chef Choi’s French Onion Soup recipe this week and it was f a n t a s t i c. We used four day old bread, our stash of onions, and the leftover cheese we had so it’s a meal you can cook without heading to the store for supplies. Perfect quarantine special!
Neighborly Love. This week we dropped off this kit (bought on amazon via a small shop!) to our neighbors to help spread a little joy, and to welcome in spring. We had no idea the response it would receive; and they were so kind to return the favor, and dropped off an Easter basket for Grey the next day. I started sobbing, because the gesture meant so much to us. Not having any contact with people is hard. Seeing neighbors, friends, and family think of ways to spark joy for others is so deeply moving.
Leaving you with this. This stretch of time can be anything you want it to be. There is no pressure to write a novel, or start a website, or plan your dream business. Just the act of being with your family, or yourself, can be so healing, and exactly what you need in this moment. But I came across these quotes and I felt them in the gut. I needed this boost after a couple of failures last week. Sharing in case you might too:

Lots of love to you and your people. Don’t just look for the helpers, be the helper. And you can do just that from your couch. A big hug to you, friend <3