Do you find yourself waking up in the morning and it takes a few minutes to remember what day of the week it is? Same. Such is quarantine life. If the cabin fever, stock market, or state of the world has you down; we hope spending some virtual time together will bring a little joy to your week. The second one on our list still has me shook – please report back if you feel the same!
Tik Tok. Jon asked me about this a few months back and as he reminded me just now, I called it “the new social site for teens – it’s mostly dancing.” I thought it was for the cool kids and these old boomers wouldn’t be allowed in. But I have to tell you, we joined this week (@nixonpack), and our whole family can’t stop watching. The grandparents learning the “cool kid” dance moves are everything to me! Send us your favorites – we’re looking for new people to follow!
Browned Butter Rice Krispie Treats. THIS recipe is life changing. At least in quarantine it is. A few things we did differently: 1) We bought the organic Rice Krispies at Trader Joe’s. Their consistency is even more crunchy than the original and it makes all the difference. 2) We used all natural marshmallows. They are less sicky sweet than their not so natural counterpart. 3) I sprinkled Himalayan sea salt on top. I know. My mouth is watering just putting this paragraph together. I have no willpower – the batch was gone faster than anything we’ve baked in months.
Sunshine and Rainbows. These sneakers are quite literally that. And boy do I love them so. Which is kind of amazing considering this is what Jon refers to me as when he finds my disposition just a little too sunny ?.
This poignant post. Please, please, please take a minute to read this one. I’ve gone through every emotion over the past few weeks and I’d imagine we’re in the same boat. Comparison, envy, fear, love, fear again, hope, joy. All of it. This jolted me back to reality and helped my heart feel a little more centered.
Let’s laugh together. I love getting texts from Jon throughout the day – even when we’re in the same house, sometimes sitting next to each other on the couch. He always tries to find a way to make me smile with a song he thinks I’ll love, or a clip that will very likely induce deep belly laughs. This one brought me back to my old TV hosting days and I loved it!! Like the time I accidentally called my mother-in-law a “wine-o” on live television, started a kitchen fire during a cooking segment, and referred to President Obama as “The Big O”. Oops.
We love you, Pack fam. You may not know this; but being in this space with you helps our family get through this crazy time, and we appreciate you more than you know. ??