Sunday Scrolls: Best Finds of the Week (Feb. 16th)

By Kaylea

Feb 16, 2020 | Uncategorized

I don’t know if I’ve ever felt this way before, but this weekend is crawling by at the perfect pace. Maybe it’s because I set an intention to truly savor every moment with my people, but I’m hoping that slow enjoyment keeps going the rest of the day. And it’s a long weekend to boot! Without taking too much time away from your day, here are our best picks of the week. Cheers to Sunday Funday, friend; we’re so glad you’re here!

Underground Starbucks. Have you heard whispers about the Medicine Ball tea at Starbucks? Apparently, it’s on their “underground” menu and you only hear about it via word of mouth. Let it be known, if you’re feeling even a sniffle coming on – it is the most delicious cure. I started the week out with a sore throat and drippy nose and Jon brought me home a nice venti delight. It was an awesome throat coat and soothed me back to normal in no time! Curious what else is on the secret menu? Take a look at this.

SunTan. I’ve hit the point in winter where I feel pasty white and sickly. If you’ve noticed a bit more of a glow – it’s all thanks to this. I’ve heard from many friends that they work, and that this little bottle lasts a lifetime. Day 1 I felt an instant post-vacation glisten, and I’m going to be using these into spring and summer to avoid those nasty wrinkle-inducing UV rays.

Trader Joe’s Reviews. She had me at doughnuts. But kept me with her blunt quips on each of the new TJ’s foodstuffs to hit the shelves. I feel like we just saved at least $15, which I shall put back into the donut fund ?.

Check In. A lot of my friendships are now long distance since many of us moved away from home. It’s so easy to lose track of one another when you’re going through different life stages. I’ve recently been checking in and asking how can I support you this week? The replies I’ve gotten have varied from “pray for my brother in-law who was recently diagnosed with cancer” to, “can you check out my business page on instagram and give me some advice”, and since they know I live to spot a typo, “can you proof my résumé, I’m on the hunt for a new job”. Being included in any of those ways feeds the soul, and is a great way to re-connect after a while.

OOTW. By no means am I a fashion blogger, but I do love a deal, and I’ve had a few friends ask me to share daily outfit inspo for everyday women. I’m new to LikeToKnowIt and sharing what I wear each day (with cameos from the rest of the fam, and even home inspo) over there. If you’re into it, I would so appreciate your support! Once you’ve downloaded the app, search NixonPack. Sometimes, if you buy something, we may receive a small commission from the maker. It doesn’t cost you any extra, and is another way we feed our kid ?. As always, in any way you support the Pack, we see you, and appreciate you more than you know!

If it isn’t a long weekend for you (not for Jon either), don’t let the Sunday scaries get your goat. You are going to own this new week! XO – K

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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