In today’s Sunday Scrolls, I thought it might be useful to share the little things that helped us to get through this past week, in hopes that even one item on the list may make your week ahead just a little brighter. We learned on Friday that Illinois schools will be closed for the remainder of the year. Something we imagined was coming, but a rough reality nonetheless. Whatever your situation may be, we take comfort in knowing we’re all in this together. Hard days with some good sprinkled in. Here’s to the good outweighing the bad this week:
Have you seen 100 Humans on Netflix? It’s our new show to fall asleep to, and I have to say, more interesting than I was expecting!
This book made a huge splash a few years back, and I remember devouring every page and each challenge. Now seems like as good a time as any to re-read. Who couldn’t use more happiness right now?
I love this gift for quarantined family members right now. Unlike a lot of the other digital frames, you don’t have to add photos via USB, you can upload via email or app. What a great way to help parents or grandparents feel more connected!
Quarantine, but make it cute. I just ordered these leggings and I can’t wait to live in them for the coming weeks months. If you haven’t tried a pair of Spanx leggings yet, I cannot recommend them enough. I have this blue leather looking pair that I’ve owned for years, and they still look as new as the day I first tried them on. Incredibly flattering, super comfortable, and more chic than the average sweats.
Speaking of ??, wearing activewear and not necessarily loungewear each day has made a big difference in my fitness motivation. If I start the morning by putting on a sports bra, I’m more likely to get the move ring actually moving on my watch. I ordered these and they have been a game changer. I slip them around my calves when I’m making dinner, having a dance party with Grey, or start to feel the afternoon slump kicking in. Also, I am that lady in the neighborhood wearing these.
I had an aha moment in the kitchen this week: If you’re craving oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, make them as the recipe says, not the healthy version. After baking 1,289 concoctions during Quarantine thus far, I noticed nothing ever really fills the craving. Likely because I’m substituting all the good stuff. So this week, I’m trying this recipe and promise to keep it as-is, without oat milk and applesauce and agave instead of sugar.
Simple things, like making beds first thing in the morning. Washing sheets twice a week instead of once. Leaving love notes on the bathroom mirror. Making specialty pancakes instead of cereal. Cleaning out the basement closet. Ordering takeout from a place we’ve never tried. Surprising each other with a new cocktail on the weekend. Whipping up the recipe we pinned and never got to try. Eating dinner by candlelight, on the floor in front of the fire. Nothing too exciting, but tiny morale boosts that are getting us through.
What about you? Please share what you’re doing for joy this week. We’d love to add it to our list of things to try!

PS – Sometimes, when you purchase an item from one of our links, we may make a few cents. We so appreciate that way of keeping our corner of the internet going, and capes for our tiny superhero ?