Plant Lady Goals in the New Year

By Kaylea

Jan 3, 2019 | Uncategorized

If you’ve been part of the Pack for a minute, you know all about my #plantladygoals. From the sweeping orchid wall we installed at the Parade of Homes to the money tree I’ve killed and brought back to life at least six times in the past few years. I’m always trying to trick my blue thumb into believing it can be green. Plus, there’s just something about bringing a little more life into your home, especially this time of year. Here are a few plant lady people trends we’re eyeing in the New Year:

  1. Ferns. We’re seeing these pop up again and again, and I have to say, I love the look of them and the movement and tropical feel they bring to the space. Hot tip: Ferns love humidity, a decent amount of shade, and ambient light which is a perfect combination for a bathroom with a small window.
  2. Grow BIG. In 2018 we saw lots (too many?) of fiddle leaf figs. In 2019 the trend of the hour is the bigger the better. More mature trees, think fruit trees (cumquat trees for bonus points) getting top billing over the fussy fiddle.
  3. Green Shelfie. The shelfie we’ve all come to know and double tap over on the ‘gram is getting an upgrade with greenery. This year is going to be all about how you style your shelves in shades of green. Grouping plants together is next level design in the New Year.
  4. To Pot or Not. Last year was all about the basket. Heck, people even put their Christmas trees in baskets. You can keep one or two, but this year we’re going to see pots take back their reign as the keeper of the plants. We’ll see an uptick in etsy makers showcasing different colors and materials and the pot as another piece of art. I love supporting mama makers and I’m excited to DIY a few of our own as well!
  5. Staycation plants. Wouldn’t it be nice to look around your living room and feel like you’re on an exotic Aussie vacation? Tropical plants are IN for 2019 and I couldn’t be more excited about this one. Keep your eye out for Bird of Paradise, Elephant’s Ear, even palms!

Which plants are you adopting this year? We’d love to hear!

Photo by Aaron Conti @aaronigorn

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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