Do you have something extraordinarily special to you that you wish you could capture the essence of and display in a place of honor? Same. Enter, The Heirloomist. In today’s Part of the Pack conversation, we talk with the incredibly talented photographer, Shana Novak, on her definition of ‘heirloom’, and the magic behind how she brings them to life.
Meet The Heirloomist, Shana Novak.
I have been a big fan of Shana Novak’s work for some time, and have always appreciated the life and the energy she is able to capture from inanimate objects. Objects that have deep, sentimental meaning to their owners. When you scroll through her instagram feed, you can read so many beautiful stories of the people and the purpose behind these keepsakes, and feel that soul-tug from Shana’s unique perspective.

Heirlooms, redefined.
Join us for today’s conversation, as we talk to The Heirloomist about the poignant, powerful, purposeful work she is doing – and how one woman was able to help us redefine what it means to be an “heirloom”.
More from Shana.
I am so thankful to Shana for sharing her time and talents with us today. I will be forever grateful for this Heirloom hanging in our home, and how she was able to far and away exceed my expectations by breathing life into one of my Dad’s treasures.

Were you inspired to look at your keepsakes in a new light? I would love to hear what you would like Heirloomed in the comments below! To see more of Shana’s work, head here. And to help her have a chance at a new small business grant, vote here!