Part of the Pack: Small Town Stylist

By Kaylea

Are you wearing the same clothes in your closet that you put on pre-pandemic? Me neither. I still love a good pair of jeans (and we get into the much debated skinny vs. Gen Z), but gravitate toward what feels comfortable rather than the latest pair of heels. In today’s conversation, I catch up with my friend Jackie, The Small Town Stylist, to ask about the latest trends, if we should edit our closets slowly, or all at once, and how to define our ever-changing personal style. She shares some fantastic nuggets I know you’ll love, and I can’t wait to implement them:

Meet my friend, and The Small Town Stylist, Jackie Terribile.

Jackie Terribile is a Style & Confidence Coach, also known as The Small Town Stylist. While she’s worked in the big city and virtually in a city near you across the U.S., she brings that small town warmth to all of her clients. And we need it, because going into someone’s closet is pretty personal, isn’t it? Jackie helps us decide what looks best on our bodies from a professional, experienced lens. She has the ability to discern if we’re holding onto something that will likely never fit again for memories sake alone. She clears the clutter and gets rid of our baggage on so many levels. After what we’ve all been through in the past year, I’m pretty sure we could all use a friend like that.

Did Gen Z really declare the skinny jeans dead? How do we define our personal style? When is it time to toss or donate?
Part of the Pack: The Small Town Stylist
A closet full of clothes and nothing to wear…says every woman ever.

I love Jackie’s advice on how to combat that dreaded “I have nothing to wear” syndrome. She encourages us to take 15 minutes or so when we’re in a good headspace and put together 3-5 outfits we feel great in. Lay out each piece as a flatlay: shirt, pants, accessories, shoes, all together and snap a photo. Create an album on your phone of go-to outfits that you know fit well and make you feel good. That way, when you have an important meeting, or a blah day where nothing feels right, you save time and energy from going down that rabbit hole of trying on 863 outfits and leaving the closet a big ol’ mess.

Want to browse the services Jackie offers? Head to her website for a full lineup, here. And follow along here to see what she's up to on the 'gram! Thank you, Jackie, for giving all of us a little more confidence today. You are the kind of woman who empowers, encourages, and inspires other women. The world needs more ladies like you!

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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  1. Alice G Patterson

    Great discussion! Jackie is so great at what she does . I’m so much more confident in my wardrobe choices and shop with more intention and less impulse because of her.

    • nixonpack

      Thank you, Alice! I totally agree – I love that one of the main pillars she brings to her work is empowering women to have more confidence in themselves. Jackie is fantastic and I really appreciate you taking time to join the conversation!

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