Do you follow someone on social media that has worked their tail off to cultivate a connected community? Same. This is one of those wonderful people for me. Jen doesn’t feel like an “influencer” (though she is by definition), more like a “sharer” and a “here’s how I did it and I’m happy to help you, too” kind of gal. I know you’ll love her and take away some fantastic nuggets on both interior design and instagram tips from our conversation today:
Meet my friend Jen from Our Haven Bliss.
Jen is a long-time DIY’er and home decorator. She and her family tackle a lot of house projects together, but she’s not afraid to get her hands dirty and do the work herself. In our Part of the Pack conversation, she shares the story of how she started taking her hobby a little more seriously, and what prompted her to share it with the rest of us on instagram.
How dreamy is this dining room she designed?

Jen’s a boy mom x 2, and I love what a great example she is setting for them. They regularly see her using power tools, putting in the work to get the results she wants, and empowering them to help make design decisions and get involved in the process as well. I also loved what she had to say about setting boundaries with her own screen time, and how to be more present at home.

Designing for Real Life vs. The Gram.
Something I have struggled with in the past is designing for everyone else on social media, versus designing for our family. Remember the house in the woods when we lived in New York? That’s the time I’m talking about. Boho was never really my jam, but it was having a big moment then and I allowed myself to be sucked into that vacuum. Thankfully, I shook myself free of that, and it sounds like Jen has done the same.

If I’m going through a period where I’m feeling down, I’ll take a break from the app.
Jen @ourhavenbliss
We all need that reminder sometimes, don’t we? Or the “permission” to take the break when we feel the comparison game running strong. Another thing that was confirmed from my chat with Jen, is that she is exactly as she seems outside of the world of squares. She is a woman who seeks to inspire and uplift other women. I asked her if she thought there was room for everyone who wanted to showcase their design prowess and grow on the ‘gram:
I think there’s space for everyone who shows up consistently and shares good content. For something to really stick, you need to fight through the hard times and keep posting what it is that you’re passionate about.
I’m so grateful for the joy Jen brought today, and for her sharing her time with the Pack! To see more of her gorgeous renovations, head to @ourhavenbliss on instagram!
I just love her feed and stories. I found her just a while back searching for bathroom updates since we were n the beginning stages of redoing our upstairs bathroom. She has been such an inspiration to me ever since. Yes, she is so good at replying to your DM’s.
I totally agreem Rhonda! Thank you for taking time out of your day to watch, and to leave us a note. We appreciate it so much!!