I “met” Erin on instagram a few years ago and although we’ve never met in real life, I count her as one of my friends and feel so thankful she’s a part of the pack. Erin Tomlinson is goals on many levels and I couldn’t think of a better boss lady to kick off our first interview of 2021. Erin has a deep-seated entrepreneurial spirit, works a full time job plus two side hustles, and is a devoted wife, and mom to two kiddos. I left this conversation feeling inspired to put in the work this year, and sprinkle those eggs in a few different baskets:
Meet my friend Erin.
Juggling a full-time career, two side gigs (Beauty Counter + a charcuterie company called Lazy Suzen), an active family, and cultivating community on the ‘gram sounds like way too much for one woman to handle. But this lady makes it look easy…and fun. If I had to pinpoint the way Erin makes it all work, I’d nail it down to her sparkly outlook. She shares the snarkiest memes, always has a kind word to share, and is the type of woman who not only empowers, but celebrates, other women.

Erin manages to promote her businesses in a way you rarely see on social media. It’s a subtle undertone to her feed – always there, but not in your face. Instead, she puts in the work finding ways she can add value to her audience, even in the form of starting your morning with a good laugh and leaving you with a smile (and a bold lip). To see more from Erin, say hi and tell her you’re a Part of the Pack – she may even send you a fun surprise!
Side Hustles in 2021.
Inspo for Your Own Side Gig.
I don’t know about you, but I am feeling ready to shine this year. Seeing women like Erin, (like you!), craft their own success and find outlets for their creativity is incredibly inspiring. Here are a few helpful articles I found to help us take it to the next level. If you’re having doubts and you need someone to shout from the rooftops that you can do this, I’m your gal. And I’d be willing to bet Erin would be too!
5 Profitable Side Hustles That Can Literally Change Your Life
10 Side Hustles That Could Be Big in 2021
49 Side Hustles to Help You Earn More in 2021
I can't wait to see what you tackle this year. Even if it's just brainstorming possibilities. Thank you for being here, and for being Part of the Pack!