Pack Punch List: September 15th

By Kaylea

Sep 15, 2017 | Uncategorized

#NixonPack Honey-Do List for the weekend of September 15th:

→ Hang new mirrors in sitting room. This poor spot on the wall. It has housed three different galleries in the past six months, but none of them felt right. Goldilocks struck – Too small, wrong color, just wrong. While it stinks to re-do something so much, there is a lot of pressure on the first room you see in a home. So we (did I say we? I meant I) say fix it until you get it just right. Jon made me promise these glorious new mirrors will be here for the next ten years. What?! We won’t be here for ten years. Who is he kidding?

→ Finish adding sand to the remaining pavers out front since we ran out last weekend. You guys, (insert dramatic pause), if you have paver sidewalks, this is a *must do* on your Honey Do List. Jon pressure washed all of the weeds and moss out of the cracks, then swept in sand and it has made a world of a difference!

→ The home office remodel continues. Why does it feel like it’s taking forever? It’s a relatively small project for the Pack. For Pete’s sake, we’ve gutted and redone bathrooms in a day and this little room has taken weeks. It’s all about that waiting game. Waiting to source the perfect pieces, waiting for furniture to arrive, waiting for someone (cough, Jon) to clean out his junk in the room…this weekend we will be installing a new light, bringing in the furniture, hanging art and starting to pepper in accessories.

→ Fall edits. We’ve recently come across some incredible vintage pieces so this weekend will be one of my favorite design tasks – finding the best homes for them, re-arranging, then layering in the goodness! We’re working on adding all that fall flavor inside and out and I can already smell the change in the air.

→ Pumpkin Picking! I cannot wait. I’ve added this to our #PackPunchList because 1) it’s rare we stop work for something fun and 2) it’s also a design “do” as I am looking for the very best white pumpkins a gal can buy. Then I’ll grab some orange ones so I can paint them blue. We’re going with a cool theme this year and I think you’ll like it. Follow along for more on Instagram!

Happy weekending, friends. May you cross all of your items and then some off your list!

(PS – This is a picture of our master bedroom..with the one member of the Pack who actually indulges in a full night’s sleep ;))

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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