Pack Punch List: November 10th

By Kaylea

Nov 10, 2017 | Uncategorized

Ahhh, Friday. I am so glad to see you! Here’s what the Pack will be up to this wintry weekend:

#NixonPack Honey-Do List for the weekend of November 10th:

→ Swapping out our fall front porch decor for the start of the holiday decorations! Don’t judge. I know it’s become the new hot topic whether or not it’s too soon to decorate, but as we say year-round, stage/ design/ decorate in a way that makes you happy. We aren’t hosting anyone for Thanksgiving, and I know Grey will love all the twinkling lights. So Christmas carols, here we come! ((follow along on Insta stories if you want a sneak peek))

→ Speaking of getting winter-ready, we had our first snowfall today. Okay fine, it was half an inch a dusting. But it was gorgeous, and indeed a reminder that (Game of Thrones music playing in the background) winter is coming! We need to buy stakes to place along the driveway and spikes for the walkways. It sounds dangerous. I may let Jon handle this one.

→ Bachelor client updates! We have been working with this design client for the past few months, and he wasn’t in a big hurry, which is great. It allowed us more time to map out the space, get a feel for what works, and what doesn’t, and source all the best stuff. Sometimes (all times) when a room is thrown together too quickly, it looks like it. You will get a much more collected, lived-in look and feel, if you’re able to go slow and steady.

→ Celebrating our favorite veteran. Grandpa Bob (whom Grey has dubbed Grampa Darlin’) is a Korean War veteran and we plan on celebrating Veterans Day by taking him to a classic car auction and out for a treat. He is such a light in our lives and I feel so grateful to have him in good health at 87 years young.

→ Recovering. Grey and I have, no joke, been sick with strep throats and ear infections for *six weeks*. I plan on making alllll the chicken vegetable soup, homemade applesauce, and taking anything and everything to finally kick this to the curb. Any suggestions?

Our deepest gratitude to the brave heroes who have served this great nation. We are truly thankful for your courage, your bravery, your service and sacrifice. We salute you today, tomorrow, and every day. Happy Veterans Day!!

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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