Pack Punch List: March 7th

By Kaylea

Mar 7, 2018 | Uncategorized

Say what?! A #PackPunchList on a Wednesday?! The reality is the past couple of weeks have been one ongoing to-do, and when something gets crossed off, three more projects are added. So the weekend honey-do lists just aren’t cutting it anymore. I’m chalking it up to a newfound motivation thanks to the imminent change of seasons (yes I realize we’re in the middle of a nor’easter), coupled with cabin fever, and a dash of crazy. Here’s what we’re tackling this week:

  1. Building a Lean-To Bed. This one has been a long time coming. Grey the Great has made leaps and bounds since turning two, and one of the literal leaps is straight out of the crib (every single night). So in an effort to not have him wind up in a full body cast, it’s time for a Big Boy Bed. Can we just order one on the world wide web? Pshhh. Not when you have a #nonstopnixon. Jon is building him a lean-to bed made from reclaimed barn wood to fit his woodland theme. I can’t wait to see it come together…and finally get some sleep.
  2. Jack and Jill Bathroom Renovation. We’ve gutted bathrooms a time or fifty two, and I always say to have all materials at the ready before you begin. We’re in the demo phase now, but that goes pretty quickly and we don’t yet have all the hardware. (eye roll emoji would do well here) Which brings me to…
  3. Choosing Finishes for the Bathroom. All the tile is in. We’ve even got the backer board, 2×4’s and the like, so tiling will commence this weekend. But what about the sinks, the vanity tops, the faucets, the lights? Bless you, Amazon prime. Details coming to a screen near you, soon!
  4. Entryway Refresh. I am all about a well designed entryway. Funny thing. When I was little and would go trick-or-treating, I was always wayyyyy more into sneaking a peek at the people’s home than whatever kind of candy they were dishing out. Since I pillaged a lot of our entryway pieces for the half bath, it’s time to make it warm and inviting again.
  5. Table Top. When we first moved in, we bought this kitchen table and swooned over the unique design. I am still loving the base, but the copper top was not the most practical purchase for a house with a toddler. We just chose this (fabulous!) design and are having an oval top made in a much more durable material. I cannot wait to see the gold and bronze tones come to life. I think it will pack a big statement and be just what we need in there.

So grateful you stopped over for a minute! How about you, friends – what’s on your list this week?

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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