Pack Punch List: Labor Day Weekend

By Kaylea

Aug 31, 2017 | Uncategorized | 2 comments

Do you know the definition of Labor Day? It’s a day dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers – a tribute to the contributions they have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of this great nation. I love that so much. This is right up there on my favorite holiday list because it celebrates YOU, your work ethic, and all that you strive for each and every day.

So ring the alarm, a long weekend is ahead, and we are celebrating with…WORK!

#NixonPack Honey-Do List for the weekend of September 1st:

→ Major Project: Rip out lower level deck to get ready for new deck install and hot tub (!).

→ Outdoor cleanup. While we were away in Chicago last weekend, my amazing in-laws worked their fingers to the bone weeding all of our embarrassingly overgrown flower beds. We’re going to continue the project and cut down the last of summer’s bounty to prep for fall, plus take down all hanging baskets and swap out the annuals for mums.

→ On that note – pressure wash the house and paver walkways. Then add paver sand for fresh look. (a repeat carried over from a few weeks back, I think Jon is dreading this one.)

→ The home office remodel continues. This weekend we need to finish the paint, hang the curtains, source a rug, wait patiently for the furniture to arrive, and start hanging art.

→ Install new TV in guest suite and layer in all the fall hygge. We have two separate stays booked in September for the “NixonPack forest retreat” so we want to be sure we win hosts with the most!

→ Laundry room refresh, but first, a top to bottom cleaning. Then we’ll pop in the wall hangings, storage containers and a few surprises – all for under $100. Follow along on Insta stories and we’ll blog a detailed how-to on Tuesday!

→ Replace old outlets in mudroom, add finishing touches to mudroom design.

→ Treasure hunting. We have a few estate sales and salvage shops mapped out and I can’t wait!

It’s also the final stretch of the Great New York State Fair, so we’re planning on taking Grey for his first-ever visit for some fried treats and farm animals. What’s on your Honey-Do list this weekend? Or, are you celebrating Labor Day with some R&R?

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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  1. Janis King

    No r&r at the Kings either. Trying to get the trim in the family room done, Steph says yard work. Party on Sunday & trying to go to the fair, but most important taking care of Bob’s Picc line cause we are having trouble keeping the bandage on. Lin Care has to keep coming & this is picc #2 . It’s going to be a long 12 weeks. Fun times! Have s wonderful Labor Day weekend!!!?

    • nixonpack

      Ugh! I am so sorry, Janis! Prayers for Bob’s full (and speedy) recovery! Happy long weekend to you guys <3

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