Pack Punch List: January 5th

By Kaylea

Jan 4, 2018 | Uncategorized

High five! Friends, we did it. You made it through the holidays, a wonky work week, and an arctic freeze. You deserve a pile of fresh baked chocolate chip cookies. No? Resolutions? Yeah, me too. Here’s what I’ve got on this weekend’s Honey Do List. It’s a windchill of minus ten as I type this, so these should get checked off, provided frostbite doesn’t kick in. 

  1. Half-bath, continued. Jon was a machine and did the entire cement tile accent wall, grouting, plumbing, etc. last weekend. It’s looking good! And this weekend, it’s all about those finishing touches. We’re installing the light fixture, hanging the new vanity mirror, sourcing artwork, some vintage accents from our favorite shop downtown, and I can’t wait to wrap this baby up so we can get on to the next.
  2. Taking down the lights! Christmas inside was scooped up and swept out quite literally after Grey finished with presents on Christmas morning. But outside is another story. We have 8,000 blue bulbs that are ready for their Rubbermaids. But the aforementioned deep freeze has put a cramp in our style. Listen people, I’m not a monster. (Shoot, do I say that in every #PackPunchList?) This one will take a back burner if the sun doesn’t warm it up at least above zero. We just can’t be those people that leave their icicle lights up year-round. You feel me?
  3. Off the Ledge. We have this large ledge right in the entrance of our home, way up high in the air, and only accessible via 18 foot ladder. It sat naked for a while until we found the perfect place for a vintage basket wall. Then, it was adorned with about 20 mini Christmas trees for the holiday season, and now it sits naked again. I shared with you earlier this week my new love for colored glass and we’re making it happen right here. I’m planning an ombre effect with different size glass vases, jars, etc. Let’s just hope it comes out as great as it looks in the old noggin.
  4. Quarterly Walk-Through. We’ve talked about performing a walk-through of your house every now and again (we recommend every quarter) and our first one of the year is happening this weekend. We take a notebook and go through the house room by room and make a punch list of what needs to be touched up and the tools to make it happen. We take care of what we can right then, and make a deadline for the things that will take a little more time. This is a great way to stay up on home maintenance, not let things fall through the cracks, and dream a little bit with your housemate on something new you might want to add to freshen up the space.
  5. New Design Client. Jon and I recently took on a new design client who is thinking about selling their house in the spring and wanted our advice on staging to sell. We are planning on picking up a few key staging pieces together over the weekend, and nailing down a plan to edit the main spaces in the home.
  6. Party Planning. Grey the Great turns T W O in a couple of weeks and I’m sobbing, inconsolable, eating all the chocolate in the pantry pulling myself together to plan a little family party to celebrate the biggest blessing we know. One of the reasons we moved back to Central New York was because when I was planning his 1st birthday, we were living in Chicago, and didn’t have any family or close friends nearby. I started crying thinking of that milestone, and all of the birthdays to come with just us around the table and a big ‘ol donut cake. I mean, we finished the entire donut cake (obviously) but I wanted his great-grandparents to have a little sliver too. This party, we’re doing something different, delicious, and a super meaningful twist. Can’t wait to share more as we get closer!

We’ll be documenting our progress, and a few surprise projects I pepper in for Jon, over on Instastories. It’s always so much fun when you guys join us, and weigh in on Team Kaylea (yasss, thank you friends) or Team Jon. Especially with the latest wallpaper debate. You are the very best. What are you up to this weekend? Stay warm!

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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