Pack Punch List: January 26th

By Kaylea

Jan 26, 2018 | Uncategorized

This weekend is going to be a great one. I can feel it in my thermal pajamas. Is anyone else excited it’s FriYAY?! Here’s what the Pack will be up to this weekend. We can’t wait to take you along for the ride if you’re a part of the instafam, and word on the street is we will be doing a facebook live sometime Sunday. Hmm, maybe I should change it to Saturday? Jon isn’t really Sunday appropriate if you know what I mean. 

  1. Pre-spring cleaning. I don’t want to get too ahead of ourselves, but casa de Nixon is in need of a deep clean. After hosting a whole bunch of people the past few weeks (and that nasty rock salt and grime), our floors have taken a beating. Yours too? I’ve got a new DIY recipe for hardwood floor cleaner that is sure to do the trick. Want to try it with us? 1 c. vinegar, 2 T. Castile soap, 1/2 c. rubbing alcohol, 4 c. hot water. And a sprinkle of your favorite essential oil for a nice aroma.
  2. Parade of Homes Kitchen Mock-up. The #NixonPack designed Parade of Homes house is underway! The builders are breaking ground next week and we are *jubilant*. I know. Not a word you see often, but it’s hard to convey the level of excitement we have for this. Since it’s a huge undertaking we want to make sure we get after it early – so this weekend’s task is kitchen layout and the start of the design!
  3. Outdoor Cleanup. We took in the last of the Christmas lights last weekend, but it left the front of the house looking a little worse for wear. Stray ornaments here and there. Random chunks of garland. Half-hung wreaths. You get the idea. Time to sweep it up, swap out for some new welcome mats, updated throw pillows, fresh food in the bird feeders. Showing the porch some love to bring back our curb appeal A game and make a great first impression to welcome in our guests.
  4. Idea Boards. I spend so much time scrolling on my iPhone and my laptop that lately I have relished any chance to go old school in my design books and stash of magazines. I have been feeling so inspired ripping out pages, collecting fun samples, and can’t wait to put it all together on our boards. Jon lugged them upstairs and this weekend they’re finally finding a home in the office.
  5. Woodworking. We’re pulling out the mitre saw and doing a little trim work in the kitchen. And while it’s out we might as well keep it going, right? I’m adding a fun new project to the mudroom to showcase Grey’s art, and practicing a new idea I have for an accent wall. Here’s hoping no fingers are sliced in the process. (PS. Jon’s nugget: if you’re in the market for a mitre saw, go for the 12inch with laser and get the stand. It’s worth the extra $$).

What’s on your punch list this weekend, friends?

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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