Pack Punch List: January 12th

By Kaylea

Jan 12, 2018 | Uncategorized

Happy FriYAY! And oh, what a Friday it is! 60 degrees and I swear it smells like spring outside. But that subtle reminder that it’s still the middle of January comes in the form of a one-two punch. Tonight we get dumped on with a foot of snow and tomorrow’s low is -10. No matter. I feel thankful for that fresh air we got to take in today, and tomorrow, we’re building a snowman. Hip hip hooray – it’s time for this weekend’s edition of the #PackPunchList:

  1. Downtown Adventure. I can’t go too long without stopping by one of our favorite vintage shops. What if something amazing comes in and someone gets there first? I can’t let that happen. So we’re taking the big truck to Driftwood & Glitter, then taking Grey out for some treats. People keep telling me about this sweet little bakery downtown and I can’t believe we haven’t been there yet.
  2. Mirror Sourcing. We have been on the hunt for a very particular mirror (times 3) for a client of ours and I just can’t seem to find it. So after our downtown day, we’re roadtripping til we find the one. Between the antique haunts on Route 20, Home Goods and the salvage shops – we’ve got to at least get some great options and snag some fun pieces for ourselves. By the way, have you seen those views?! I’m not allowed to drive when we take Route 20 because the car swerves every time I point out a new vista. It’s breathtaking.
  3. Half-bath, continued. (Yep, still) Something we always do for clients is to wait to start the project until *all* the pieces come in. The light fixture, the paint, the hardware, every material, every finish. That way, when you start, you can finish. Ours has been left unfinished because we didn’t follow our own rule. But we’re *thisclose* and hopefully wrapping this baby up because we’re hosting 20 people next weekend for Grey’s birthday!
  4. Party Prep. Speaking of. I’ve got hundreds (yes, hundreds) of balloons that we’re using for a really festive DIY for Grey’s big day. Since the party is next Saturday morning, we won’t have too much time before everyone arrives so I want to prep as much as possible this weekend. I don’t know about you, but I turn into a madwoman half an hour before people come. The better prepared I am, the more relaxed I feel, and the nicer I am to Jon. Poor guy!
  5. Purging, again. I did round one right after Christmas, but there’s much more to tackle. And that feeling you get after dropping off bags of clothes, electronics, home goods, etc. to the people who really need it – feeds the soul, clears your mind, and your closets. I was on a mad hunt for a tiny little thumb drive last week and you wouldn’t believe the tornado I caused in our house to find it. It absolutely shone a bright light on all of things we really don’t need. Who’s with me?!

The Pack Punch List isn’t terribly packed this weekend, but that’s a good thing. I wanted to leave some room for exploring with our little family. And Jon told me last weekend that he felt like an underpaid worker and I was being an unreasonable GC. Insert shock face emoji here. So this general contractor is working on her delivery, and celebration of, the hardest worker I know 😉

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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