Pack Punch List: December 29th

By Kaylea

Dec 29, 2017 | Uncategorized

Hello, friends! Thanks for spending a few minutes of your Fri-YAY with us! I am quite literally doing leg kicks as I type this with excitement for the long, holiday weekend (and burning off the extra cookies, let’s be honest)! Happy New Year! It’s my *favorite* weekend of the year. Why? As a type-A list writer, a wannabe Marie Kondo organizer, and a lover of new beginnings – it’s all happening, and it starts right now.

#NixonPack Honey-Do List for the weekend of December 29th:

→ Half-bath tile installation! You may have caught a glimpse of the cement tiles for the accent wall on our instagram this week. Eeeee! When the pallet arrived, I was pleasantly surprised with a case of, oh wow, they look way better in person than on my laptop. Of all the projects we tackle, installing tile with Jon is my favorite. He never ceases to amaze me with his talents and it’s rare to have that much one on one time in close quarters these days so I’ll take what I can get. Although, he just informed me there will be a lot of difficult cuts, so, the brand new *bleep* filter will be used in stories as we document the progress.

→ Grouting (fingers crossed). So depending on the cuts mentioned above, we may get to grouting. That’s where I come in. Mostly for quality control purposes to make sure Jon doesn’t coat the new sink with globs of grout. (No matter how hard my whip cracks, he is incapable of keeping it clean). That, and I’m a pretty mean sponge wringer. Though, shoot. It just dawned on me – man down! I’m still one-handed from breaking my arm a few weeks back. We’ll make it work!

→ DIY Wreaths. Remember the boxwoods we hung on our West Elm mirrors for the holidays? I’m sad to report they bit the dust and I miss them already. Not the stench though. But they added dimension, a unique focal point, and a pop of whimsy. So I’m trying my hand at a minimalist wreath (times 3) that can take their place and bring us into spring. If all goes well, I’ll post a tutorial here in case you’re interested!

→ Mudroom Organization. Winter is wailing here in Central New York and windchills are below zero for the foreseeable future. I have one pair of gloves (that I can find) and it’s time to get all that gear out of storage, and easily accessible in our cubbies. In the spirit of the New Year, I want to do it in a way that allows that space to stay organized year-round.

→ Hanging new finds! A box just arrived from one of my favorite small shops and I can’t wait to show you what’s inside. We’re going to get a little funky with how we hang these gems and it involves a trip to the hardware and craft store. I say that like it’s a big task to venture out. Like we don’t go there five times a weekend anyway.

What’s on your honey-do list for the weekend? Share with us in the comments below – and stay warm, friends!



Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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