Pack Points: DIY Paint Supplies

By Kaylea

Mar 19, 2018 | Uncategorized

Paint is one of the easiest, most affordable ways to give your home a refresh. But for many of us, the idea of tackling a DIY paint project can be daunting. In a new #NixonPack series, we’ll be out and about around town interviewing experts in the home renovation and design world to bring you all the know-how and tricks to bring your Pinterest dreams to life. First up, Mackenzie Lamanna, General Manager of the Sherwin-Williams store in Dewitt. Watch first for all the tools you need to get started, then scroll down for the #NixonPack tried and true tips from our own experience:

  • Mackenzie mentions metal paint trays, yes – have a few of those, but buy the plastic inserts. They sell them in 10 packs and it is SO much easier to use and toss rather than spending fifteen minutes cleaning out the reusable. Your time is worth more than the 99 cents for the plastic throwaway.
  • Mistakes are bound to happen – when you drop a dollop from your brush, don’t clean it up right away. Let it harden – it’s easier to peel off as one piece.
  • Windex & socks are your best friends. If it’s a small overspray or drop, Jon enlists the help of a quick spray and swipe. And let’s be honest, by spray I mean he just spits on the floor. (Don’t worry – I have banned him from doing this at any house other than our own)
  • Tape the entire room first. Take off outlet covers unless you’re replacing them. Our #NixonPack electrician (88 year old Grandpa Darlin’) also recommends taping off the entire outlet, even if you’re taking the cover off.
  • Don’t cut the whole room and then paint the walls. Cut one wall, paint that wall. Cut the next wall, paint that wall. This will prevent a visible cut/ border after the fact.
  • When you think you’re done, don’t clean your brushes and crack a beer just yet. Pull the tape off immediately after your second coat. Even using the best tape, you could end up pulling up paint and have touch ups.
  • Jon’s order: Ceiling first (a MUST), prime, prime, prime. And don’t cheap out on grade of ceiling paint. You can even buy the ceiling paint that goes on purple and dries white if you’re new to DIY. Ceilings can be tricky!
  • Lighting is key – don’t save painting for a rainy day, or after work, or when your toddler wakes you at 4am. Start when your room has the best natural light.
  • When you’re cutting a ceiling or trim, dab first, then swipe across. It will help the line go on more evenly.
  • And we saved the best for last – Don’t start when you can’t finish. When you’re going to paint a wall or a room, have a large amount of time. Otherwise, you’ll be left with noticeable borders and that is a key “tell” to a job done by a novice.

Thanks for spending a minute with us today! What is your favorite DIY painting trick? Share with the Pack below!

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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