2019 was such a transitory year for our family, and we are so grateful for where it led us. We moved back to Chicago, started Grey in preschool, went full speed ahead on projects at casa de NixonPack; and grew stronger as a triangle with the loss of loved ones and fur babies. I used to love making lists full of hope for the New Year, but they mostly consisted of eating better, working out more, the usuals. Like many others, I failed. And over the years, our lists have evolved to spotlight our big picture goals, dreams for our family, and adding in more fun. Because who doesn’t look forward to crossing that off the list?

- Explore One New Neighborhood Each Month. There are 77 glorious, diverse and delicious neighborhoods in the city of Chicago, and we have only enjoyed about ten of them. We’re based in Lincoln Park and don’t get out nearly as much as we’d like to. So, in the spirit of expanding horizons and getting to know our city on a more intimate basis; we’re committing to spending one weekend day a month, on foot, eating, shopping, and snapping stories along the way.
- Find More Opportunities to Volunteer as a Family. When we first moved to Chicago back in 2012, I served meals each morning at our local soup kitchen. I miss those days, and the community I was a part of, deeply. I’d love to find a cause we can support as a family, and instill the values and commitment to helping others in Grey. This looks like a wonderful place to start.
- Eat More Donuts. I had to add this one ;). We have been making the rounds at our old tried and trues since we moved back this summer, but I know there are so many more to taste. By the end of 2020, I think it would be so fun to crown a winner and offer a must-try lineup for donut lovers visiting our sweet city. So far we need to find a contender to top this old favorite. And I can’t wait to try, especially since we’ll be traversing new ground, a la point number one.
- Smile at Strangers. I know this might seem like an odd resolution, but hear me out. We walk almost everywhere in the city; to get groceries, to school, church, just for fun. And to get a smile out of a passerby is truly rare. So, I’d like to take a lesson from Grey, who smiles and says hello to absolutely everyone he strolls past, and actually look up from what I’m doing to make eye contact and share a smile. I love smiling! Smiling’s my favorite. But somehow I’ve fallen in line with many other city dwellers and needed to be reminded about how this simple act has the power to brighten someone’s day.
- Build our #NixonPack community. Simply put, there is no greater feeling than connecting with you. We live for all things home, and know you do too. Homebodies stick together. Maybe it’s chatting about the latest cookie recipe we tried while standing at the sink in our coziest leopard slippers. Waking up to 869 messages about the Pantone Color of The Year because you share our love of all things blue. Commiserating about our toddler’s 5am wakeup calls (just us?!). Or dm’ing a link to a new listing we know you’ll love. This teeny tiny corner of the internet is a joyful one, a homey one. And we can’t wait to paint it all the colors, and share more together as we make yet another move in 2020. Don’t worry, we’re not going far.
And not making the cut above are things like, more date nights (heck even one date night), mastering our new pizza oven, being more mindful of screen time in front of the little man, and doing more for others. Tell us about your intentions for the New Year! We love to hear about goals you’re setting, projects you’re planning, or maybe you’re in for the donut crawl! We know whatever you’re cooking up will be extraordinary.