Pack Picks: The Sweetest Family Valentine’s Day Ideas

By Kaylea

Jan 31, 2020 | Uncategorized

This day gets so much flack. And I totally get it. Because I am not one gifting (nor hoping to receive) a drugstore bouquet of roses, or a heart-shaped box of chocolates. I also know it can be kind of triggering for people who aren’t celebrating with a loved one. I wish I could include you in this because I am absolutely here for coming up with thoughtful, unique, and fun ways to shower my people with all the LOVE leading up to the sweetest day of the year. We say I love you countless times a day, but there’s something more purposeful and exciting about showing it in ways you usually don’t. Here’s what we’re whipping up in casa de NixonPack (and it won’t break the bank):

  1. Love notes. I’m not trying to hate on the store bought cards, but at seven bucks a pop, unless you’re putting the most beautiful handwritten note inside; it’s recycle-bound in 30 seconds or less. Why not try to make one? Or even better, a whole bunch? I just ordered these sweet doilies and my plan is to start writing a love note a day on February 1st leading up to the 14th. I’ll put Grey’s in his lunch box each day, and Jon’s on his bedside table. When I used to travel a lot for work, Jon would slip notes in my suitcase and I still have them. Even something as small as “Fifteen years later and you’re still the most handsome in the room” can be a sweet reminder of a love still lit! Grey wants in on the love notes too, so we’re encouraging him to make them for friends, teachers, his favorite crossing guard, and ladies at the library! (Here are the valentines he chose for school).
  2. Flower Power. Maybe it’s a homemade arrangement that you weave together from Trader Joe’s stems (they have the best prices!). Or you could go the faux route like we did. If you follow us on instagram, you might see our daily boomerangs before we leave for school and work in the morning. We tried to gussy up our selfie mirror for the holidays, but failed miserably when the fresh garland crisped up, crashed and burned. We weren’t making that mistake twice. Here she is in all of her Valentine’s Day glory and we can’t wait to smile at her pink petals on our way out the door for the next couple of weeks.
  3. Date to the Dance. Grey’s school is having a Valentine’s Dance next week and I get to be his special date. It’s the old fashioned kind with boutonnières and corsages; but also complete with a live DJ, photo booth, the works. You cannot imagine my excitement. But if you don’t have something like this, why not make your own at home? We might do this too since Jon will be out of town and miss out on the school soirée. You can pick up some fun photo props, ask Alexa to blast your favorite tunes, and whip up a sweet candy board!
  4. Dessert Table. Speaking of, I’m on the volunteer committee and signed up for bringing something yummy for the dessert table. Do you think I should go the healthy route (since I don’t think that choice will have much competition ?), or should I try my luck with these?
  5. Advent Calendar. I saw this fabulous idea around the holidays of parents doing advent calendars with books each day on the countdown to Christmas. We missed out on that one, and as it turns out, Grey still asks for his advent chocolate each night even though the holiday has long since passed. We have been finding the cutest books lately and have planned to do a bit of a treasure hunt to find one each day the week of Valentine’s Day. If you’re doing something like this, or maybe a Valentine’s gift basket, here are our favorites!

BONUS: Call your Grandma, or your old co-worker, or anyone who has been on your mind lately whom you’ve put off connecting with. Even if it is a “Hallmark holiday” it’s still a chance to tell someone you’re thinking of them, and you might not get the chance tomorrow. ❤️

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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