Pack Picks: Outdoor Furniture

By Kaylea

May 24, 2017 | Uncategorized

There seems to be a pattern with the #NixonPack pads throughout the years. Every spring (I know, we move too much), Jon either plans to build a deck/patio or upgrade an existing one and I plan for the design once it’s done. Only, I’m impatient and I can never wait for it to be finished before pressing “place order” on the furniture. Jon is a one man show and currently building a two-tiered deck in our backyard. I hold a few boards during nap time and let them slip (just a little) while I fantasize about my outdoor dining table covered in flowers and a festive feast for my little family. He’s got a deck screw in his mouth, balancing the drill in the crook of his elbow and is holding up a 16 foot header that weighs a ton while I’m all, Jon, can I please have an outdoor chandelier? Oooh and one of those trendy rattan swing chairs?! He reminded me of this just the other day. “You know you do this every time, right? You cart out the furniture, the lanterns and even potted plants before the last board is in?” Guilty. Here’s what the Pack is eyeing for our outdoor oasis:

  1. Outdoor Daybed. How dreamy is this? I can picture the sweetest naps with my mini after a long day of play by our little stream. Will it make the cut? Likely not, but a girl can dream.
  2. Sectional Set. This one is a go. I literally just hit “order” as I sourced the link here. I am a huge fan of Overstock (unbeatable return policy) and this brand in particular. We’ve had his (I say his, casually, like me and Chris Knight are besties) outdoor furniture in the past and it really stands up to the elements and is great looking, affordable, and a quality product. I tagged this little bonus buy on at the last minute (not my fault you’re building a massive deck, Jon!) and I can’t wait for mosquitoes a glass of wine by the fire after the babe goes to bed.
  3. Indoor/Outdoor Chandelier. Jon and I have been watching this one for a while, hoping the price would come down. It is rare to find such a gorgeous piece that is actually made for an outdoor space and is absolutely perfect for the deck we’re building for our lake house clients. Now if only I can convince Jon them for just one more splurge.
  4. Golden gals. I love the combo of grey and gold and peppering in gilded accents is a way to add a pop of glam to the deck. Give me allll the lanterns. This one is a great option. I like to add a cluster of different heights, shapes and materials to give it some dimension. Be sure to head to your local Home Goods store because they have fantastic deals on lanterns, too. Planters. These would work fabulously both inside and outside. I’ve had to take a little hiatus from indoor plants as Grey has decided it’s fun to make “donuts” out of mud and feed them to the dogs. So there’s that.
  5. Bar Cart. Because hot days call for a cool beverage. Who’s with me?! Bar carts are one of my favorite things to style and who says they’re just for indoors? Picture a sweet vase of freshly picked flowers from your garden, the ice tray full of beer and shaking a fun summer cocktail with friends. Yasss.
  6. Pouf. Adding layers of texture is our jam lately and I’m keeping that theme going outside. Target Style is killing it staying up on the latest design trends. I am such a fan.

“After” pictures to come as soon as our deck is finally done (Jon!) Pack Picks come in!

Follow along on our Insta Stories for the deck progress and more 🙂

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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