Since summer vacation started at the beginning of March ?, we are needing a refresh for the actual summer vacation that just began. Here are some of the activities we have been loving to keep your littles entertained and engaged (with a little education thrown in, too). Hands up if mom and dad need a break ??♀️.
In or out?
Whether you’re like us with a postage stamp in the city, or if you’re sitting on seven acres; I think we can all agree that spending time outside makes the day so much better for all of us. These picks work if you’re stuck inside, and are even more fun when you take them out.

Pack a Picnic!
Sometimes just the act of changing up your usual haunts is enough of a day-maker. But then add in a couple of these and it becomes a real adventure.

Summer School
Have you read Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother? (It is excellent by the way, and I highly recommend.) I have those tendencies. Grey is so smart and I want to keep him on the right track, but before I do “school” in the summer, I always check in and make sure it’s the right space for it. Am I feeling calm and patient? Is he excited and on board? Yes to both? Good; let’s plan for a lesson or two, then get back to the fun. For us, setting aside time each day for workbooks, or writing letters to friends is the best kind of low energy break we need. He thrives on learning something new and it is so rewarding to watch him grow!

I hope at least one of the items on our list is new to you and gives you something exciting to look forward to doing with your little one. We need variety more than they do, in my opinion. It absolutely helps me stay engaged and present when we change it up. We’d love to hear your recommendations in the comments below! Thank you for being here with us, and shopping through our amazon shop. Sometimes we make a small commission and it helps us try something new to share with you next time. Happy playtime!