Pack Picks: For the Pups

By Kaylea

Feb 26, 2017 | Uncategorized

We are t-minus 3 days until the big move and I don’t think anyone is more excited than the #NixonPack. It has been five years since they’ve been able to run in a proper yard and I can see their little paws racing in their puppy slumber in anticipation. This next house comes complete with an oversized mudroom, or so Jon tells me, which will be the Pack’s Paradise. Here’s what I’m planning for our four old gals and the sweet Boxer boy:

1. Personalized Dog Bowls. And these are just darling. With five dogs, meal time is insane dinner at 2pm running in circles for an hour before tough. The white hairs are begging to be fed earlier and earlier each day. At this point, we’re basically running a retirement community for our golden girls (and silver slugger, sorry Chancellor), and they all require a specialized food for their ailments and the amount for each varies. Right now their bowls are written all over with permanent marker and covered in years of slobber. The germaphobe in me is dying. Time for a refresh.

2 & 3. Beds x 5. Two houses ago, instead of buying five dog beds, I justified that we should get them a memory foam twin bed instead. They’d pile on and snuggle in and my heart could burst. We got so lucky that they all love each other so much. Now that they’re getting older, they like to snuggle the majority of the time, but a few of the geriatrics tend to get a little cranky if someone takes more than their fair share. Read: One maybe bit a wee little piece of another’s ear off. But didn’t mean it. So, we’re back to needing separate spots. Since Grey just got a teepee, his little sis needed one, too. It’s only fair. Plus, you know I can’t resist anything with donuts.

4. Towels. They now have their own bathroom and that means they need matching hooded towels, right?

5. Wallpaper. Man am I a sucker for wallpaper with some personality. I’m having trouble deciding, but here are some of my flavors of the day. This is cute but may not fit the vibe we’re going for. I am also loving this oneand the mod dogs here

6. Welcome to the #NixonPack den. This was one of the first purchases I made for the new house. When you have five dogs, it’s basically a full-on kennel when the doorbell rings. Like put in your earplugs kind of madness. Might as well warn the poor souls who come a knocking.

7. Custom Dog Portraits. Because despite the crazy, I always want to remember how much joy they add to our lives and how much love they fill our hearts with. These not only add a playful tone to the room, they also make for a lovely keepsake.

Thanks for playing along with the Pack today! What’s the most fun purchase you’ve brought home for your pooch?

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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