Sometimes you hit that road block mid-workday and need a little boost. Here are five things we’re plugging into this week to breathe new life, and fresh inspo into our creative outlet:
5. This new-to-us feed on the ‘gram. Her designs are equal parts whimsical, stunning, and fresh.

4. We are obviously partial to blue, but this article was one of the most interesting reads to cross our laptop lately and we couldn’t wait to share.
3. Taking 5 to make someone else smile. We wrote about our new intention here, but the goal is to make a little time in your schedule – to connect, inspire, and bring joy to someone else five days a week. This could be in the form of sharing an article you think they’d like, or bringing in homemade cookies. Maybe even just a call to say “hi, I miss your face”.

2. Rose colored, heart-shaped glasses. Just because. A fun conversation starter, and an instant joy-evoker. I have them in tortoise and think they look way more expensive than they are!

And coming in at #1 – taking just five minutes to power down, grab a pen and paper, and list all the things you’re feeling lucky to have/ be/ see/ do/ feel/ taste/ enjoy. I recently bought this, and though the title suggests it should be done upon waking, I open it any time I’m feeling depleted and need to check in. A simple notebook will do. For this step, I’d skip your phone if you can. The act of writing it out almost feels like you’re releasing tension, making room for what you need.
Thank you for spending a few minutes out of your day with us. If you have a second more, leave us a note below, or say hi on one of our social channels. We’d love to put a face to your name and express our sincere gratitude to share this community with you!