One of the things we love most about NixonPack and all of our social channels, is the sense of community we have with other DIY’ers and homebodies just like us. We get to cheer each other on, find inspiration for the next big project, and learn something new each day. We are so grateful you’re a part of the Pack, and thought it might be fun to finally have a place to answer frequently asked questions. Here’s a new series you can expect to see here weekly (hold me to it!) with the Top 3 Questions in our Inbox:
“Why didn’t you do your signature blue in the new kitchen?”. Great question. And one we went back and forth on quite a bit. We were actually *thisclose* to choosing a blue backsplash and just couldn’t shake our love for the marble hex tile with gold metallic inlay. I thought blue paired with that and the Cambria countertops would be a lot. Plus, you might have noticed that this house has more pops of color all around, and blue accents, rather than blue dominance like you might have seen in the last house. That being said, we have a whole wall of shelves and you may see more blue on those in the spring. It’s clearly our favorite hue, so it’s hard to stay away for good.

“I’ve seen one juju hat before. How’d you decide to do a whole wall of them?”. We bought our first juju hat about five years back and it is still one of my favorite pieces. I love that they are made from hats worn by African chiefs, and the spiritual connection feathers hold for us is meaningful. So when we bought the last house in NY, I had one custom made with blue, grey and white feathers to match our living room vibe. We design with the rule of odds – two juju hats doesn’t work. (Think 1, 3, 5, 7). We had this l o n g open wall in our family room and I really wanted it to be a playful and happy space so we chose to do that with color. We started with five, still not big enough, then settled at nine, which Jon still doesn’t think is enough. I think she’s perfect as she is.

“Does Jon ever want a break?” This one cracks me up, and should have been top of the list because I kid you not, I wake up to it in our dm’s every. single. day. The short answer? Of course he does. But if you know Jon, you know he is driven. And the hardest worker I know. There are times he will burn out and vow he is done with a project (this happened 8,359 times when he was painting the wood trim in the last house), but he plugs through it because that’s who he is. Sometimes I’ll ask him if he just wants to stay put for a bit, not keep flipping our homes. But the real answer is that this is not just part of our business, it is our hobby. It’s the thing we do together, and something that brings us closer together. A form of marriage counseling one might say ;). We might not go on date nights (ever), but we do gut kitchens together and lay tile in bathrooms, install decks, and design spaces filled with love. So, no break anytime soon. If anything, he has put a *fast* deadline on this house so we’ll be moving at record speed.

Do you have a question for the Pack? It can be anything from design advice, project help or whatever’s on your mind. Leave us a note in the comments below!