I feel like I could start every one of these off with, I am so ready for Friday. There’s just so much hope and excitement that comes with a weekend packed with projects and a splash of fun. Also, I took my first steps without crutches today so I’m looking forward to gaining momentum this weekend and getting my butt off the couch! We’ve been pumped to share these with you all week – Friday Faves: Thanksgiving Edition!

I adore all things #AintTooProudToMeg. Her cheeseboards are so perfectly put together and the variety makes them an instant crowd pleaser. You can snag all of these fun finds at Trader Joe’s and won’t break the bank. I’m planning a scaled down version of this one since it will just be the three of us for Thanksgiving, but that doesn’t mean it should be any less special.

This was a fun Pinterest find from A Thrifty Mom, and a great way to use up some of our leftover m&m’s. Grey’s been sneaking one or two each day from the candy dish and now we can do it with purpose!

We’ve done a lot of Thanksgiving place settings in our years of hosting. One of my favorites was writing individual notes of gratitude to each of the guests on beautiful card stock, in calligraphy. A chance to express all the ways we loved each family member. When my Grandma died last year, it was at the top of a folder she had kept from us, with all of our love notes and newspaper clippings collected through the years. Never underestimate the power of telling someone how much you love them!

Have you seen that quote? Life is short, buy the flowers. It totally speaks to me because 1) I’m cheap frugal, and flowers are expensive. But boy do they evoke j o y. and 2) My mother in law is a florist, and I see her work the most glorious magic on them, and would love to have a fraction of that talent. So, I stumbled upon this little diddy and thought it would make the cutest centerpiece for our family fête.

I feel like I gained five pounds just drooling over this photo. But that won’t stop me from making it for dessert. Just look at that (salted) caramel goodness. And since I still haven’t mastered the art of pie, this will fill the craving!
What are your plans for Thanksgiving? We’d love to hear about your family traditions in the comments below. Thank you for being here, we are so grateful to have you as a part of the Pack!