#NixonPack Nice List: January Blues

By Kaylea

Jan 10, 2020 | Uncategorized

Even though we’re riding that Friday high, the dreaded post-holiday, mid-winter blues are coming (if they haven’t hit already). Here are some ways we’re coping:

Find reasons to celebrate. I know we’re supposed to live for the moment we’re in, and avoid future-tripping as much as possible…but I’m the type of gal who needs something to look forward to. We’re celebrating Grey’s birthday next week and on top of the usual cake and ice cream, we’re planning on filling the next couple of weeks with fun experiences to mark this special occasion. A visit to a new (to him) museum, dinner at the top of the John Hancock tower (the only thing he asked for to celebrate his birthday), and a ride on the Centennial wheel at Navy Pier. I read a quote about gifts the other day that really resonated with me. You might not remember the actual presents you got for your birthday, but you remember the memories made with your family. Experiences trump gifts always!

Try a New Recipe. We’ve been filling our plates with every shade of green to give our organs some new life after all those Christmas cookies. But by no means are we partaking in any dry January or zero sugar diet in this household ;). So we’re turning up the tunes and gathering ’round the island to test out these recipes I’ve been pinning. Cooking with kids (and a husband) has its own challenges, but I live for the smiles, and impromptu dance parties with those two. We’re whipping up this one over the weekend, and if time allows trying this one too.

Day Date. If you saw this post on instagram, then you already know what a struggle it can be to make time for this. But no one said day dates didn’t count, amiright? We’ve been excited to try this restaurant (that mac and cheese!!), and head back to this cool spot for the best salad I’ve ever had, here.

10 Minute Wins. We’re on that whole deep dive, deep clean, organize every nook and cranny train much like everyone else. But sometimes dedicating a whole day to purging can be impossible and overwhelming. Instead, we’ve been asking Alexa to set the timer for ten minutes, and cleaning out one drawer, or one shelf in the closet at a time. You end up feeling way more gratified, and much less bogged down.

Treat Yo Self. This looks a little bit different for everyone. For us, it looks like a weekend day trip to the best castle in Wisconsin and a stop on the way home to indulge in our favorite Kringle. For you it might look like a new set of sheets (these have been sleep-changing for us!), or maybe a spa treatment or two (take me with you, please!). Either way, doing something for yourself, or the whole family, is the best kind of morale boost in the dead of winter when we need it the most.

How are you beating the January blues? Share with the Pack below. Sending a big ray of sunshine and hug your way!

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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