#NixonPack Nice List: January 24th

By Kaylea

Jan 24, 2018 | Uncategorized

Happy Hump Day, friends! We are so thankful you clicked over to spend a few minutes out of your day with us. Here’s what’s catching our eye this week: 

  1. Custom Lego Homes. Legos are having a moment in casa de Nixon and I don’t think they’re going anywhere soon. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I stumbled upon this gem from LittleBrickLane. You guys. How incredible is this?! But with incredible comes expensive. So for now I’ll just enjoy the eye candy until the little guy steps up his game and can whip mama up one of these!
  2. Shelf Dividers. We have a decent amount of closet space in this house, but none of them are customized. And by the end of the week, everything ends up in a great big heap on the floor. So until I add that project to our next #PackPunchList  Jon gets his miter saw at the ready, these bad boys will do the trick. I love that they are clear, and can make all my organized linen closet dreams come true.
  3. DIY Wreaths. Hi, my name is Kaylea, and I’m a wreath addict. On one side of our staging garage, Jon has hung my intense wreath collection as a constant reminder that I am not allowed to buy any more. But he didn’t say I couldn’t make any more, and so I did. The latest ones you might have seen hanging in our kitchen I was able to DIY for a whopping $3/ piece. I can’t wait to use this as inspo for the spring wreaths!
  4. Nude leather. We just took on a new client, recently divorced, and Stella wants her groove back. I think she found it with this daybed. It’s not a word I throw around often, but can we all agree how sexy this is? I am all in with this nude color palette, and in leather? Swoon.
  5. Doormats. Clever doormats give me all the feels. You know how much I push for a good first impression of your home, and why not usher your guests in with laughter? I don’t know about you, but we still have our old Christmas mat at the front and it’s time she retired. Etsy has some fabulous custom doormats (at really affordable prices) and I know you’ll find one you’ll love. Plus, you don’t want the same old Target special your neighbor has anyway.

What’s on your Nice List? Share with the Pack below!

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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