#NixonPack Nice List: Home for the Holidays

By Kaylea

Dec 10, 2019 | Uncategorized

I feel all shopped out. What about you? Between the hundreds of emails from brands touting the best sales of the year; to every influencer under the sun with their “exclusive” gift guides – that buy now push has become exhausting. Instead, we’re offering up a little eye candy for your Tuesday, and hopefully something fresh to inspire a little homemaking in your own home.

  1. Early morning baking. There is something about waking up early; brewing a hot, delicious mug of coffee, and filling the house with sweet smells to wake everyone else up. This week I’m trying this recipe for the first time. Caramel anything is a hit in our house!
  2. Thank you’s. The buyers from our last house bought virtually everything we owned. So you can imagine moving into a new home with no furniture kept the delivery drivers working overtime. I came across this idea as a way to say thank you during the holidays and *loved it*. Especially if you live in a city and the drivers rotate, it’s a small gesture you can do for many to show your gratitude for their extra efforts!
  3. Hygge. The high in Chicago today is a whopping 20 degrees, so we are craving all things cozy. I’ve had my eye on this blanket all season long. If you follow our daily boomerangs on stories, you might have noticed my slight obsession for all things leopard, but this girl has limits…and a budget. So for now I am waiting for a sale, or a great dupe to grace the racks at Home Goods. Remember – Tuesday afternoon is the best time to shop (they re-stock every Tuesday morning!).
  4. Zoo lights. One of my favorite corners of our neighborhood is home to the Lincoln Park Zoo. It is completely free and open 365 days a year. They put together so many wonderful activities for our community, and something we are so looking forward to this week is seeing 2.5 million shimmering Christmas lights. If your town hosts something similar, this might be the best week to go before we get wrapped up in the last minute holiday rush!
  5. 2020 Push. Since I learned to write, I was a list-maker. It truly does spark joy for me; and puts a spark right where it needs to in order to light a fire and get things done. I’m eyeing these planners for the new year. (I warned you about the leopard ;)).

What’s on your Nice List this week? Have you found something unique in your Christmas shopping? We’d love to feature it – share with the Pack below!

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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