#NixonPack Nice List: Friday Five

By Kaylea

Nov 15, 2019 | Uncategorized

What a week! We broke records for both cold and snow this week so we’re ready for a weekend of indoor projects finishing the roof deck, trimming the landscaping for the winter ahead, and wrapping up our holiday decor! Here are a few things we’ve been excited to share with you:

Hayley Mitchell. I discovered this incredibly talented artist through instagram, and when I was browsing One King’s Lane, I found they had highlighted her work this month. We’ve been waiting to find just the right piece to hang above our bed and I immediately knew this was the one.

Hayley Mitchell

We’ve been noticing this new trend popping up across our favorite home decor feeds and I think it’s just the dreamiest look for a holiday tablescape. It draws the eye up, uplevels your design game, and brings both elegance and flair to your next hosting occasion.


We have a swag of eucalyptus on our mantle for the holidays, but I’ve been wanting to bring in another look for texture and depth. We snagged this olive wreath and I’m using gold paint to gild over a smattering of the leaves. Here was the original inspo we found last month:

I don’t think we’re doing Christmas cards this year. I’m kind of terrible at getting them out on time, I always have this nagging feeling we forgot someone, and they cause more stress than you need around the holidays (for us anyway). So what we’re committing to instead are notes of gratitude. There are so many people who make each day shine a little brighter, and I want them to know how loved they are. From teachers to parking lot attendants, clerks at the store and friendly neighbors; we’re trying to find fun and unexpected ways to express our thankfulness. Starting now so we fit them all in before the New Year!

keepsake notes shop on Etsy

A friend of mine recently gifted me this book and I’ve read it twice already. I had been listening to Timber’s podcast for some time and no matter what your religious beliefs, this is wisdom that transcends all polarizing views and just makes you want to do better. It’s an easy read you can pick up and come back to anytime, share with your friends and family, and just feels like it plops you right on the path of purpose.

Let us know if you try any of this week’s Friday Five! We can’t wait to see what projects you have lined up this weekend. Share with the Pack below or send us a note @nixonpack over on the ‘gram!

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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