Monday blues or not; sometimes we need a little extra motivation to get through the day and make it a meaningful start to the week. Here are some accounts on the ‘gram that we look to for just that:
Erik Bergman @smilingerik. His handle is an accurate representation of what to expect from his feed. Quotes that are insightful and empowering, and a smile that cheers you on along the way.

Gary Vaynerchuk @garyvee. I used to spend hours going down a (very long) rabbit hole of content on his YouTube channel; but you can get the same from his insta rants, and daily podcast which I also love. Bottom line of his message: empathy for others, hustle + patience, and my favorite – put your blinders and ear muffs on and work toward your goals without worrying about the chatter from the peanut gallery. Also this gem about imposter syndrome (which I come down with all the time. You too?).

@WordPorn. I know, the name is a little cringey, but the posts are so good. Some squares are the loveliest words of wisdom, some are spot on life assessments, and others are just the motivation you need in your day. It’s the best mix, and one of my favorite accounts to follow (and save for reminders when I need them!).

@careercontessa. This has quickly become a page I look forward to visiting each morning. Phenomenal quotes, career/ people advice, and it just shakes your inner boss to say, get after it!

@tombilyeu. Tom Bilyeu is another inspiring human I stumbled upon via his incredible YouTube channel where he interviews celebrities, authors, monks, and overall successful, mindful, contributing members of society. He shares nuggets from his interviews and life experiences through instagram stories and squares I know you’ll be pinning to re-read again and again.

Wow. After combing through all of my tried & trues for Motivation Monday, I’m feeling exactly that! Almost like a piping hot cup of coffee and I’m ready to hit the ground running. Hope you found a nugget or two to get you going. Have the best start to your week!