Kitchen Conundrums

By Kaylea

May 4, 2017 | Uncategorized

I was about to go all Kardashians on you with the title and play on the k’s buttt – I spared you the cheese. Moving on! We have had SO many questions about kitchen remodels lately, from friends and clients, that we thought a post was in order. Something about spring has people ready to renovate! I love it. Below are some common questions we get asked on the regular and our honest opinions from experience – both in our own homes and in real estate.

What do you think of an apron (farm) sink? I adore them. I think they can be sweet in any kitchen and can work with every design. We had a stainless steel apron sink in our last home (pictured above) and I have the best memories bathing our newborn in it. Swoon. It was deep and easy to wash dishes and fill large pots, plus it was aesthetically pleasing and achieved the modern, minimal vibe we were going for. We’ve seen them in white and also copper (my favorite!) and they are a terrific feature. Now, let me tell you the down side. We are not going with a farm sink in our current remodel and here’s why: every time Jon would do dishes (thanks, hubs!) his belt buckle would rub up against it and scratch the front. Try as you might to be careful, life happens and man do you use your sink more than you think. Also, it became a convenient place to wash tools and paintbrushes, which left it scraped and dented. Though the look is fabulous, durability ranked higher on our list this time around.

Are microwave drawers worth it? Maybe. It depends on the space and the why. Microwave drawers tend to run about three times more pricey than a standard microwave. We went with a Wolf microwave drawer in our last home and here’s my review. It looked cool and was a neat feature that impressed buyers when we went to sell. It was also a “necessity” as we had an open concept design with truly no place to put a standard microwave. As someone who microwaves tea (I know, I should use a kettle) about 346 times a day, it was annoying. The time it takes to open and close feels like forever. And God forbid you push it closed manually. Oh, no. You saw the price tag right? Please don’t do that. So it was confusing for guests, frightening for Jon every time someone tried to hip check it, and just not worth it in our opinion. That being said, if your plan requires it, they work just as well as a regular microwave and may give you a fancy feel if that’s what you’re after.

What countertop material do you like the best? *Quartz. There’s an asterisk there for a reason and we’ll get to that in a minute. We have used everything in our previous kitchens and in our clients’ homes – granite, marble, quartz, concrete, laminate, tile, you name it. I used to love granite and it felt like the most bang for your buck at the time, but having seen it in so many homes (the same grey speckled slab) I’m over it and on to the next. I still lust after the look of marble, but having ruined it myself had it, it does not belong in a kitchen. Marble is such a porous material and will show every stray shot of pasta sauce, every dribble of olive oil and every scratch from your keys. Back to the quartz. We have used a few different brands and I wasn’t sold on it until we found Cambria. Other quartz products we have purchased in the past use sub-par materials that don’t actually give you all of the benefits you hear about with quartz. Cambria, on the other hand, is family owned and operated, made in the USA, and only uses the most exceptional materials. No stains, no sealing, no maintenance. Yes, please!

What backsplash should I go with? Is it just me or is everyone and their mother, sister, Fixer Upper followers doing subway tile?! Listen, I have nothing against subway tile. I actually love it and have used it many times. But like most trends, when I see too much of it, I tend to head in a different direction. It’s just the #NixonPack way. Jon and I love adding personality to our spaces and if the kitchen gets the most play in your house, why not make a big splash? Subway tile is timeless and classic and works with most every design. But that means, a lot of people are going to have it. Try something new. What speaks to you? Do you like an arabesque pattern? Something playful like this beauty? Maybe a hexagonal marble accent wall? What if you took a complement to your quartz countertops and had them make it into tiles for the backsplash? At the very least if you’re still on the subway train, promise me you’ll consider laying it out in a unique way.

How can I integrate color into my kitchen? So. many. ways. If you’re fearful, start with accents. Home Goods has some fabulous plates, bowls and knick knacks you can layer into the space. Perhaps colorful mini-appliances if yours sit out on the counters, or wall hangings and a chic runner. You can always edit it back if it’s too much color for you. More bold? Consider a colorful backsplash like this one. Even bolder? Appliances. Stainless steel has had a long run in the spotlight but if you’re thinking not now, but next, add a wow factor to your kitchen design and wait for the jaws to drop.

Should we replace our cabinets? It depends. Do you like the layout of your kitchen? Are the cabinets made of a quality material? How long do you plan on staying in your home? Your answers to those questions would determine my answer to you. To give you a quick reply, if you’re not staying long-term and are really just wanting a “refresh”, we say paint them. If you’re on a tight budget and a great painter, you may be able to get away with doing a smaller kitchen yourself. However, my first choice is to hire a pro. You don’t want to see brush strokes or drip marks in a room you spend a ton of time in and that takes a constant beating with opening and closing drawers. Trust me. Also, splurge on the highest quality paint, it makes a difference. If you intend to stay a while and you have sub-par cabinets currently, go for it and have custom cabinets made. Just know that it is a major investment and one you won’t recoup right away.

Have a question we didn’t answer above? Comment below to ask the Pack!

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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