Decor Trends We’re Moving Past with the New Move

By Kaylea

Feb 26, 2020 | Uncategorized

If you’ve been reading our posts over the past few months, you might have guessed from a little hint-dropping that we’re itching to move again. Or I might have just come right out and said it ?. Putting it out in the Universe and making moves to actually make a move so to speak. It will be home number 8 for the Pack, and this time we’re hoping to inch a little closer to the Lake…and our favorite donut shop. Here are a few home decor trends we tried out in this house that won’t be making it on the moving truck:

Macrame anything. I remember staring at a wall in our bedroom that I strongly felt needed a little visual interest. And we were having people over that weekend so I quickly pulled the trigger on some Etsy pieces that, while beautifully made, were not inspiring nor meaningful to us in any way; they merely served the purpose of a wall hanging. We get a little better at this with each move, but I am more mindful than ever about the waste caused by “fast fashion style home decor”, and I don’t want to needlessly contribute to it. The wall would have been just fine left alone. So I am vowing to buy only pieces that evoke a real feeling, and plan to leave the trendy macrame pieces to those who get just that from looking at them.

Wall murals. When we decided to do a(nother) mural in Grey’s playroom, I think we were feeling nostalgic for the Chicago nursery we brought him home to. And after spending a couple of years hundreds of miles from our favorite city, we were excited to recreate it. While it is a bright spot in his room; the third time will not be the charm for that skyline painting. We’re ready to get our creative juices flowing and go in a whole new direction for the little man’s HQ.

Wrong Rugs. Let’s have a moment of silence for all the rugs we’ve lost in our ((fifteen years)) as pet parents. Sigh ?. Because of all the reasons you’re imagining with ailing and aging pups, we’ve had more than our share of rugs in casa de NixonPack. Some have been so beautifully made, the perfect shade and size; while others have been cheap, poorly constructed and we weren’t that sad to see them go. I tried to make a thing with jute in this house, but the reality is, it looks beautiful in photographs, does wonders for texture and layering, but is an actual pain in real life. The shedding! The sediments underneath! The inability to remove stains! We’ll be choosing much more carefully moving forward because holy cow they must take up so much space in a landfill…and don’t get me started on the family vacation we could have gone on for all the dollars wasted on them.

What design direction will we go in the new space? I can’t wait to dream up an actual plan when we finally find the one, but for now I’m imagining more classics, a clean, timeless color palette, more sustainable pieces with beautiful craftsmanship; and pops of whimsy, always.

What trends are you over moving forward? Share with us below!

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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