Cobalt Kitchen Reveal

By Kaylea

Jul 25, 2017 | Uncategorized

We’ve done bright red cabinets, an all-white kitchen, far too fancy schmancy, a Home Depot special, the list goes on. We’ve tried everything and none of them felt like us. They got us to where we are, and each were fitting for the house we were in. This time, we actually took our time, and took each other’s opinions and ideas into consideration, but agreed to work with what we were given (for the most part). Jon voted for cobalt blue appliances. My first instinct was YES! then a quick no. I got scared it would be too much and almost vetoed it. Thank goodness he prevailed. Of all the homes we’ve shown, toured and built – I haven’t seen it before. So #NixonPack. So us. This kitchen is filled with things just like that and though you may not be belting out LeAnn Rimes’ Blue rejoicing with us in all its cobalt glory, we hope these before and afters inspire you to follow your design gut and do you.


Now you may look at this and think, oh it’s not too bad, just needs a fresh coat of paint, right? You’re in good company. That’s what Jon said when he bought this house without me laying eyes on it. But up close it was another story. The granite was a salmon pink color and the backsplash was tan and black. It just didn’t go. Not to mention, DARK. I actually didn’t mind the cabinets. They are of excellent quality and I really like the footprint of the kitchen. However, the W O O D. How much wood can a woodchuck chuck? A lot, apparently. We went back and forth and back again with, do we paint the cabinets? Is it a crime to paint such nice cabinets? Here’s what I say to you if you’re in the same dilemma. There are no cabinet police patrolling your neighborhood. No one is going to drop by and fine you for painting wood. A lot of times, we tell clients to paint existing cabinets rather than replacing them because it works better in your favor for resale. I am OH SO glad we painted these. It paid off in such a beautiful way. The color is Sherwin Williams Earl Grey and it takes on different hues depending on the time of day.

So back to those salmon countertops. I knew they had to go the moment I laid eyes on them. It just felt very nineties and the color didn’t jive well with the changes we were making. I told you before about our decision to go with Cambria quartz counters and my goodness was that the perfect complement to this kitchen. They are spectacular and the first thing people comment on when they come over. We chose the Berwyn design with a matte finish. The matte finish is the newest trend they’ve come out with and we were all over it, in fact, the first customers in the region to install it. You might be sensing a trend here. We like different and I think this remodel showcases that side of us. Aside from the unique design, I am obsessed with how low maintenance they are. Hallelujah, because that’s about the only low-maintenance thing in my life right now ;).

One thing you may not notice is anything too fancy. OK, aside from the professional-grade appliances, I’ll give you that. We talked about a wine fridge, but truth be told, I may drink one glass a week and that just doesn’t merit the space it would take up. Well, what about entertaining, you ask? Our family and friends only drink red (not as vain as me with the teeth staining issue…work hazard). The big splurges were most definitely the Viking appliances and the Cambria countertops and we didn’t feel the need to push it with extravagances that wouldn’t be used. One bonus I absolutely love? The touch faucet. It actually wasn’t that expensive and is put to use I wish I could do this with every faucet in the house – it’s incredible for this germaphobe. Again, you want to think about resale, not just enjoyment. What are homes going for in your neighborhood? What do the kitchens look like? Unless you plan on staying for a long time, you want to make sure you don’t over-invest or you run the risk of losing a lot of money.

We’ll get to the styling another day, along with a DIY backsplash tutorial and our tips on mixing metallics, but I leave you with this. Consider how much time you spend in your kitchen, what you really use it for (not in your magazine dreams) and go from there. Pick a color, a metal, a shape that inspires you and the rest will fall into place. If not, the Pack has your back ;).

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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