A love letter to our sellers

By Kaylea

May 18, 2017 | Uncategorized | 2 comments

Each time we move into a new house and start transforming it room by room, I always have a time or two where I stop and wonder, what would the old owners think if they walked through the door right now? And then I find myself flipping back to our old homes and ask, do you think they painted over Grey’s mural? Did they swap out the chandelier that I loved? If I could talk to the kind empty nesters who sold us our current home, here’s what I’d say.

I am one of those people who believes things happen when they’re meant to and I know in my gut this home was meant to be ours. There is a reason it took you so long to sell it. It’s not just the mustard paint color on every wall or the dark photos in your listing. It wasn’t the kitchen or the bathrooms that needed updating or the cat smell in the mudroom (don’t worry, we have five dogs and a forgiving nose). This house was waiting for us to sell our place in Chicago and let go of the last heartstring holding us to that city. It started singing a sweet song low and slow to lull us back to New York, our forever home.

You may not know this but we had a tiny postage stamp in the middle of the city and now we cherish every step of your seven acres filled with idyllic swaying pine trees, two sweet streams, and the most delicious smelling lilacs. Our first morning waking up here brought a big storm and the sight of fresh snow hitting the forest in the backyard quite literally took my breath away. The two fireplaces you built with your own hands in the garage workshop are pieces of art we greatly admire and never plan to change. I’m not sorry to say we’ve painted over the mustard with a light grey-blue and you wouldn’t believe how bright it is in here. I think you’d really love it. I wasn’t sure how I felt about all of the dark molding, but I have to admit, it’s growing on me. Knowing that you and your family cut and stained every piece together makes it that much better. We’re right in the middle of renovating the kitchen and I uncovered some treasures along the way. Underneath one of the cupboards were 47 cat toyspens, pencils and gummy bears, Father’s Day drawings from your little boys when they were much younger. I saved them and can’t wait to give them to you if we ever see you again. Speaking of little boys, our son has never been happier. He pushes his train around each room, plays peekaboo behind every wall, and runs these hallways with a smile so big you could see it from Mars.

We have a pet snake in the backyard that hides in the boulders (Grey named him “Truck”), a frog we found in the brook and the bulbs you meticulously planted are so enjoyed by our little family. We have picnics on that hidden spot in the clearing that’s hard to find, but when you get there you never want to leave. Did you do the same?

This home exudes love. You can’t help but feel it the second you open the front door. It hits you like a great, warm bear hug and holds you tight inside. Your house has brought our family so much joy. I extend our deepest gratitude to you for letting it go, but leaving some love behind in these walls.

Love and thanks (truly!),

The Nixon Pack

What would you say to the old owners of your home? Share with the Pack below!

Written by Kaylea

Kaylea Nixon is a Certified Wellness Counselor and Certified Health and Nutrition Practitioner who loves sharing practical, purposeful ways to cultivate a life of well-being and joy! When she's not developing fresh anti-inflammatory recipes, or researching new wellness trends; she seeks adventures, experiences and tasty travels with her incredible husband, son, and rescue pup, Gemma.

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  1. Kathleen Joyce

    Kaylea ~ This is such a heartwarming, beautiful post! I am sure the previous homeowners will be moved to tears when they read it… I was!!! It makes so happy that you have found such a beautiful place to call home in Syracuse. Welcome back! Everything you do is touched with such great love, beauty and kindness… that includes this post!

    • nixonpack

      Kathleen, this was the nicest compliment. Thank you SO much for taking the time to extend such kind words to us. You are so wonderful! Happy weekend to you!

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